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  • TEL + 82-70-8723-0566
  • FAX + 82-70-7966-0567

(16229) 2F GyeongGi-do Business & Science Accelerator, 107 GwangGyo-ro, YeongTong-gu, SuWon-ci, GyeongGi-do, Republic of Korea

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  • TEL + 82-31-213-0566
  • FAX + 82-31-213-0567

9550 Zionsville Rd Suite 1, Indianapolis, IN 46268, United States

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Standard Radiopharmaceuticals
for Theragnostic Oncology


Zhyper-X is a fully-automated miniaturized radiopharmaceutical manufacturing device, that can process every step from synthesis to packaging of ZTI’s drugs. A crucial device in synthesizing ZTI’s TERACARRIER platform based nuclear medicine. The auto-system can produce a ready-to-go radio isotope drug within 24hours. The miniaturization simplifies the manufacturing establishment allowing the field deployment of the synthesis device. Thus, Zhyper-X can solve, not only the short half-life issue, but also remove the necessity of initial asset investment and time to set up facilities for radiopharmaceutical manufacturing through the fast deployment of miniaturized devices. ZTI BIOSCIENCES sets the next standard for the production & logistics of Radiopharmaceuticals.